
DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act)

YourSongsPK.Com is mainly in followers of 17 U.S.C. ยง 512 and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA"). We had developed a policy to respond in case of any type of infringement notices and also will took required action for this Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") .

If any person find any type their copyrighted materials on any page of our website or if exist any type of links of any type of copyright contents on our website or its search engine which anyone want us to remove that, then one should must have to send a written notice or email that includes a proper clarification and details of that copyright contents that they want to be removed from our website.

Please we also want to notify that if any person will send false information about any contents on website or will send a wrongs claim of copyright without any proper cross check (means if that copyright content or copyright links will not exist) then he will also responsible for any type of finacial damages . We will suggest all to first contact with a attorney for any type of legal assistance for this issues.

The following elements must be included in your copyright infringement claim:

  • A suitable evidence of the authorized person who could act on behalf of the owner.
  • A sufficient contact information for us so that we can contact you if neede. One should also include a valid email address.

Send a sufficient identification detail of the copyright content claimed to be infringed which should include atleast one of a searched term in which the matter would appear on our website.